Beatrice Humane Society Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic

Category: Environment/Animals

This Year's Project: Rural Cat Population Control

About Our Organization

The Beatrice Humane Society Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic was started in 2023 for three main reasons: 

1.  To provide the highest level of medical care the animals at the Beatrice Humane Society deserve. 

2. To provide affordable spay and neuter services for pet owners struggling to afford preventative care. 

3. Provide humane population control for outdoor and feral cats through high volume Trap, Vaccinate, Neuter and Return (TVNR).

In just 12 months of operations this little clinic in a small animal loving community in Nebraska has made a HUGE impact on over 2800 animals that are now in our community vaccinated, microchipped and spayed or neutered. Knowing that there are 2800 more animals that are living longer, healthier, happier lives in our community and not contributing to the pet overpopulation crisis should result in a celebration! But the work isn't done. In fact it is just getting started. We look forward to many more years of helping the animals in our community and the people that love them continue to grow their relationships. 

Current Project: Rural Cat Population Control

Transform Lives with Our Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

At the Beatrice Humane Society Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic, we are dedicated to improving the lives of all animals in our community, including feral and community cats. These cats, though not domesticated, play a vital role in controlling vermin populations. However, without proper management, their numbers can spiral out of control, leading to health issues for the cats and concerns for the community. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to expand our Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic to better serve these cats and stabilize their populations through a humane approach: Trap, Vaccinate, Neuter, and Return (TVNR).

Why TVNR Matters

Feral cats are remarkably resilient, but their rapid reproduction can create significant challenges. A single unspayed female cat can produce up to three litters per year, with each litter averaging four to six kittens. In just a few years, one pair of cats can lead to hundreds of kittens. This explosion in population results in starvation, disease, and unstable colonies.

Our TVNR program humanely addresses this problem. By trapping feral cats, vaccinating them, spaying or neutering them, and returning them to their original locations, we manage the population effectively and ensure healthier, longer lives for these animals. TVNR also helps to reduce the behaviors that often lead to conflicts with humans, such as fighting, yowling, and marking territory.

The benefits of TVNR extend beyond the feral cat population. By controlling the feral cat population, it reduces the strain on local wildlife, decreases the spread of zoonotic diseases and deadly diseases like rabies, and minimizes the number of cats that end up in the cycle of rehoming either privately or in shelters. TVNR is widely recognized as the only humane and effective method for controlling the outdoor cat population and improving colony health.

Our Achievements and Needs

Our clinic has already made significant strides by providing TVNR services for over 950 feral cats in our first year. However, the demand for our services continues growing, and we need your help to level up. We are raising $7,500 to purchase essential supplies and equipment that will allow us to provide even more comprehensive care for outdoor cats.

Your Impact

Every dollar you donate helps us expand our services and make a tangible difference in lives of cats like Gina. Gina was born into of a growing colony that was struggling to survive. She lived her life travelling from farm to dumpster at the local community college looking for food and shelter. Gina contributed to the population explosion with several litters of kittens. College administrators were concerned about the smell, and the potential for disease for their staff and students. By working with a local property owner that was providing food for Gina and her colony of cats, we were able to trap Gina and her colony mates, and provide the necessary TVNR procedures. Gina was returned to her territory, where she now lives a healthier, quieter life. The community college administrators report fewer disturbances, fewer interactions with students and staff, AND no new kittens.

Join Us in Making Tomorrow a Better Future for All of Gage County

The Beatrice Humane Society Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic is dedicated to improving the lives of all animals, and with your help, we can continue to create more success stories like Gina. By donating to our Big Give Gage fundraising campaign, you are playing a crucial role in providing essential care for outdoor cats, supporting the health and stability of our community, and contributing to a compassionate approach to animal welfare.

Together, we can make a lasting difference. Together we can give a voice to voiceless. Together we can make Beatrice and Gage County leaders in humane cat population management.


How Your Donation Will Make a Difference

The funds raised through this campaign will be used to purchase the following items, all of which are crucial to the future success of our TVNR program and the overall well-being of the feral cats we serve:

$5000 for 10 New Surgical Packs: These instrument kits contain all the necessary tools for performing spay and neuter surgeries. With additional surgical packs, we can increase the number of cats we can sterilize each day, ultimately reducing the number of kittens born into the feral cat population. When we opened our clinic, we expected our maximum capacity for cats to be 20-25 TVNR's in one day. In July, we had a record surgery day where we spayed and neutered 39 cats and kittens! We need more surgical packs to assist that many cats in one day! Ten new surgical packs at $500 each will allow us to care for hundreds of additional cats each year. 

$1000 for 10 New Traps and Transfer Cages: Trapping feral cats humanely is the first step in the TVNR process. By investing in more traps and transfer cages, we can increase our capacity to capture and safely transport feral cats to our clinic for treatment. This investment will double our current capacity!

$750 for 6 New Folding Tables for Future TVNR Outreach: We hope to bring our TVNR services to the communities in need and 6 new folding tables will allow us mobile prep and surgery tables for that outreach. We are currently working with the city government in Wymore to hopefully host our first TVNR outreach in a very local community that is overwhelmed with their cat overpopulation problem.

$500 for Two Bottles of the Injectable Antibiotic Convenia: This long lasting injectable antibiotic for cats is often the only medication we can give to a feral as they don’t tolerate handling and oral medications very well. These two bottles will allow us to help about 50 adult cats overcome whatever ails them and needs antibiotic treatment. From abscesses, to wounds from vehicles or other animals to post surgical antibiotic care.

$250 for 5 New Heating Pads for Surgery Recovery: After surgery, it’s vital that cats are kept warm as they recover from anesthesia. Heating pads provide a safe and comfortable environment for post-operative care, helping to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. Five new surgical heating pads at $50 each will allow us to care for hundreds of cats and dogs at our surgical center each year.

$0 Raised of $7,500 goal
$0 $7,500
0 Donors
Legal Name: Beatrice Humane Society INC

200 N 7th St #2
Beatrice, NE 68310

(402) 228-9100

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