Filley Cemetery Association

Category: Other

This Year's Project:

About Our Organization

The Filley Cemetery  was established in 1887, and operated for years by an unincorported association of individuals unt the incorporation of the Filley Cemetery Association, a Nebraska Non-profit Corporation on February 10, 2020. On December 7, 2021 we received our 501(c)(13) approval from the Internal Revenue Service. The Association is not connected, nor has any plans, to be connected in any with with any other organization. The sale of cemetery lots are open to the general public. The Association is in charge of operation of the grounds and pays for all expenses.  The Association receives funds from various sources, which include interest from investments, donations, memorials, lot sales and staking fees. One half of all lot sales are placed in a perpetual care fund. 

Current Project:

Past Projects

  • Reset Headstones

    Project Details

    We are in need of resetting or repairing the founation of headstones in the Cemetery. The goal of this project is to restore the integrity of the monumnets can be preserved. Over the years, weather and the constantly moving and settling of the earth beneath the monumnets causing them to tip. We have over 80 stones in need of repair. Donations to this project will help the Cemetery Board to protect and preserve the momories that these older momorials represent. 

  • Reset Headstones

    Project Details

    The Cemetery has over 25 headstones that the the ground beneath them as eroded over the years causing the it to sink into the ground. The average cost of rasing the headstone, placing stone down to create a new base and lthen reseting the headstone is $250.00. The Cemetery Association would like to begin the process of working on a poration of the stones in need of repair.

$0 Raised of 0 goal
$0 0
0 Donors
Filley Cemetery Association

FILLEY, NE 68357

(402) 520-3555

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