Adams Community Foundation

Category: Community/Economic Development

This Year's Project: Adams Park Playground Spinner

About Our Organization

The Adams Community Foundation (ACF) a dedicated not-for-profit organization that focuses on benefiting the Village of Adams, NE and surrounding residents in Northeastern Gage County.  ACF is made up of driven individuals in our community that want to continue enhancing and improving the Village of Adams.  We believe Adams is a great place to live, work, and play.  The Adams Community Foundation's main objective is to raise funds to be put towards the betterment of our community.  We truly believe that communities that invest into themselves will continue to grow, attract businesses, and be a desirable location to live and visit.

Current Project: Adams Park Playground Spinner

Why Support This Project?

The current merry-go-round at the Adams Village Park has seen better days with missing pieces and rusted metal being safety hazards for kids playing on it.  Our goal is to bring in a more inclusive piece of playground equipment with improved safety.


The BIG Plan!

We are working with American Playground & Recreation to bring in a new style of "merry-go-round" to the Village Park.  The Ten Spin is built to accommodate up to 10 kids at once, this popular, freestanding playpiece allows children of all abilities to join in the fun by either sitting, kneeling, or standing. The Ten Spin is an inclusive freestanding product that allows children of all abilities to play together, while providing an essential sensory experience that supports child development.  Your generous donations will go towards the cost of the new spinner, delivery, and installation. 


Thank you!

We appreciate your support of the Adams Community Foundation! We hope bringing in updated equipment to the playground will continue to make the park a great place for all ages to enjoy in Adams.


Past Projects

  • Adams Wayfinding Signs

    Project Details

    Why Support This Project?

    Even though Adams is a small, no stoplight town, it can still be difficult for visitors to find their way to key areas of town.   Our focus for this year's Big Give Gage project is to address this concern by installing four Wayfinding Signs.

    The BIG Plan!

    We have preliminary designs (pictured above) for three 36" (W) x 48" (H) freestanding reflective signs and one reflective sign that will be mounted to an existing electric pole.  These will be strategically placed in Adams to help point the way to key areas in town.  Downtown Business District, Freeman Public Schools, Gold Crest, Park & Ballfields, and the Village Office with be the focus areas for directions.  Your generous donations will go towards the cost of the four signs, delivery, and installation. 

    Thank you!

    We appreciate your support of the Adams Community Foundation! We hope you visit Adams in the near future and are easily able to navigate with the new Wayfinding Signs on your drive through town.

  • Welcome to Adams!

    Project Wrap Up

    Update as of Fall 2023: We have set aside the funds raised towards the Welcome to Adams sign for the west entrance of town due to an upcoming road construction project that will change the location for installation. This project is projected to add an intersection on the west side of Adams and pave the road from the Adams/Filley Blacktop to Hwy 41.  We are working closely with the Village of Adams and are excited to get the boulder installed as soon as the project is underway!

    Project Details

    Why Support This Project?

    One of the top 5 concerns on the 2019 Adams Community Needs Assessment was to improve the appearance to the west entrance of town along the Adams/Filley Blacktop.  Our focus for this year's Big Give Gage project is to address this concern.

    The BIG Plan!

    We have designed a 5ft x 7ft boulder, which will withstand all types of weather and will be a statement piece for our community to enjoy for many years to come.  This entry sign will greet residents & visitors as they are entering the city limits of Adams along the blacktop. Your generous donations will go towards the cost of the boulder, delivery, and installation. 

    Thank you!

    We appreciate your support of the Adams Community Foundation! We hope you visit Adams in the near future and are greeted by the new "Welcome to Adams" sign on your drive.


  • Let's Make the Holiday Season in Adams Even Brighter!

    Project Details

    The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer Is New Town Lights Added Here!

    The only thing missing from our Annual Holiday Light Competition & the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Event is MORE LIGHTS on Main Street!  Adams is quickly becoming a well visited place during the Holiday Season.  Our goal is to continue to add new lighting features each year to Main Street, in addition to the current Town Christmas Tree and Snowflakes ACF recently added, to continue to make the Holiday Season even brighter in Adams.

  • Adams- This Way!

    Project Details

    Adams-This Way!

    Adams is an ever growing and thriving community with a lot to offer, including an endless list of established and new businesses and services.

    With the bridge and box culvert updates on Highway 41 recently, the entrance corner into the Village of Adams (Spur 34C), can sure sneak up on vehicles.  What better way to signal area residents and visitors to turn into town than an updated sign to show them the way.

    Here's Your Sign:

    The conditions of the current sign shows that is has definitely weathered many storms over the past 20+ years (pictured above as the white and blue sign).  Currently a field of corn and trees block the view of the established sign.  There is also no lighting around the area to highlight the sign at night either. The ultimate goal is to update the design (pictured above in blue), increase visibility (while abiding by state right-of-ways), and add lights to allow it to be seen 24/7.

    How to Show Support:

    We appreciate your donation and support for ACF and hope the improvements to the highway sign will help put Adams on the map (or at least help avoid missing the turn into town)!

    If you would like to make a donation to our project, you can do so 3 ways:

    1. Online on this website during the BigGiveGage Day on September 10

    2. By check given directly to ACF.  Make checks payable to the Gage County Foundation and write Adams Community Foundation- BigGiveGage in the memo

    3. Buy an ACF tshirt (orders must be placed by August 31) for $20/shirt and $10/shirt will be donated to ACF directly thanks to Production Creek.

  • The GAP Project- Growing Adams Park

    Project Details

    We are excited to share that the Village of Adams has already received the Civic & Community Center Financing Fund (CCCFF) Grant from the State of Nebraska for $198,328!

    • Our goal as The GAP Project is to help raise an additional $200,000 by September 10, 2019 to complete Phase 1 of the park project. 

    • Not only will our additional funds help complete Phase 1, it will significantly enhance our applications for additional grant funding we are pursuing for the other four phases of the park project.  

    • This means your donation is already being matched 1-1!


    The Adams Village Park serves as the central hub for Adams and surrounding communities.

    • Adams is a growing and thriving community. Our park has not recieved significant updates since the 1990s.  Therefore, it is time to start planning for the future and investing in the heart of our community.  Our park is being used 12 months out of the year and is the ideal location for our large community celebrations as well as the core location for youth activities.


    The main goals of The GAP Project are focused around SAFETY, UPGRADES, and NEW CONSTRUCTION in the Adams Village Park.   

    • The new Master Park Plan has been broken down into 5 phases. Phase 1 of the project will include new construction of bathrooms, concession stand, and ADA accessibility to the ballfields.  Future phases will focus around addressing water drainage concerns, creating established parking, adding a 3rd regulation sized ball field to allow for tournaments and boosting revenue for our community, tying it all together with walking trails to improve the overall health and wellness of our community.


    Thank you for supporting The GAP Project!

$9,965 Raised of $13,000 goal
$0 $13,000
16 Donors
Adams Community Foundation

PO Box 185
Adams, NE 68301-8847

(402) 228-6223

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