Beatrice Cemetery Association

Category: Human Services

This Year's Project: Evergreen Home Cemetery Front Gate

About Our Organization

The Beatrice Cemetery Association is comprised of a board of 12 individuals.  The board is charged with the perpetual care and upkeep of the cemetery grounds.  The grounds include Beatrice Cemetery (Scott Street location), Evergreen Home Cemetery and Evergreen Memorial Park (33rd Street location).  The properties date back to 1887 and over 18,000 souls are interred on the grounds.  The sexton lives on the grounds and he and his team are responsible for the opening and closing of graves as well as property maintenence.  

Current Project: Evergreen Home Cemetery Front Gate

Evergreen Home Cemetery, managed by the Beatrice Cemetery Association, is currently using a temporary gate that requires staff presence at sunrise and sunset to control access. Unfortunately, this makeshift gate is not secure, leading to incidents of vandalism, including the theft of flowers and mementos from gravesites.

To address these security concerns, we propose replacing the existing gate with a more secure, permanent solution. We plan to collaborate with a local contractor to design and install a new gate that will offer better control of access and help prevent unauthorized entry and vandalism.

Past Projects

  • Beatrice Cemetery Association Digitalization Project

    Project Details

    The burial records and plot deeds for the nearly 18,000 burial sites that comprise Beatrice Cemetery (Scott Street location), Evergreen Home Cemetery and Evergreen Memorial Park (33rd Street location) are currently stored as paper files.  This has served the Beatrice Cemetery Association well for the past 100 plus years, but the concern of severe weather or fire has prompted the board to seek a software solution that will digitalize all the records for safe keeping in perpetuity.  A catastrophic event would cause the loss of all the burial and plot ownership records.  The identified software has the capability of being able to view the location of the burial site of your loved ones on your phone or computer.  The cemetery's sexton receives countless calls from families interested in their family history and this sfotware would greatly enhance this process.  Also, The Beatrice Cemetery Association's very limited source of income comes from the sale of plots and the opening and closing of graves, but the upkeep of such a large cemetery can be costly.  Within our limited income, we must fund the repair and purchase of equipment, such as backhoes and other large groundskeeping equipment.  Because of these factors, the Beatrice Cemetery Association is seeking the community's support in digitalizing our burial plots to honor the familial history and individual's namesakes present in our cemeteries.

    This project is expected to cost at least $90,000. We are hopeful that Big Give Gage will help us kickstart the project to ensure the safety of all burial and plot ownership records. 

$2,505 Raised of $20,000 goal
$0 $20,000
18 Donors
Beatrice Cemetery Association

408 N. 33rd Street
Beatrice, NE 68310

(402) 239-2446

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