Adult & Teen Challenge / Sheepgate Women's Center

Category: Human Services

This Year's Project:

About Our Organization

Sheepgate/Adult & Teen Challenge isn’t well-intentioned religious behavior modification—it is true transformational life change.   


What is Adult & Teen Challenge:  Adult & Teen Challenge is a nationwide organization that has been successfully offering people freedom from addiction for over 60 years!  It is the largest and longest continuously operated group of addiction recovery centers in the world, with over 250 centers in the U.S. and over 1,250 centers worldwide.


Sheepgate Women’s Center:  Our Beatrice Women's Center--called Sheepgate--opened in 2017 and is now home to 12 women.  We also have a transitional living house in Beatrice for women who complete the program. 


Our Program:  As a resident of Sheepgate Women’s Center, our women are involved in group classes, individual study, personal mentoring, work ethic training, and serving in the community. We help women become emotionally healthy, physically well, and spiritually alive.  


Our Success:   Many studies completed over the years have found that an astonishing 78% of graduates from Adult & Teen Challenge addiction recovery centers remain sober and substance-free post-graduation!  


Community Impact:  Adult & Teen Challenge has significant impact on local communities.  Before entering the program, many women are often unable to care for themselves or their children.  After completing the program, hope is restored to our women and their families. Solid positive relationships within the community are established and restored women and their children become contributors to our community. 

Current Project:

Past Projects


    Project Details


    A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revealed that one in eight deaths of Nebraskans ages 20 to 64 can be attributed to alcohol use.  The CDC also reported that drug deaths nationwide hit a new record in 2022 with nearly 110,000 Americans dying from drug overdoses and fentanyl overdose has become the leading cause of death for 18-45 year olds in America.   


    Although treatment is available, only about one in four people will ever receive treatment.  The average monthly cost of substance abuse treatment in Nebraska is between $5,000 and $25,000 per month.  The number one reason cited for not getting help is an inability to pay for treatment.  It is for this reason that Sheepgate Women's Center provides our services at no cost.  We are funded through donations and income through micro-enterprises.


    The average monthly cost for each student in our program--which covers housing, food, staffing, insurance, and curriculum--is approximately $2,000 (per month).  Therefore, to cover the expenses for two students to complete our program for 12 months (the minimum stay), the cost would be $48,000.  Let's work together to transform lives and make a positive impact in Gage County. 


    Over the last 6 years, we have housed more than 60 women from all over Nebraska and Iowa.  While our students come from outside Gage County, many are staying local and provide a strong work force for many employers in Beatrice.  Employers quickly see the excellent work ethic of our students which is why many have been promoted to supervisory positions.  This is a direct result of the intensity of our program and our commitment to see our women truly transformed.  Healthy, successful women are having a very direct and positive impact on our community.   


  • Five Years of Freedom from Addiction

    Project Details

    The Campaign – 5 Years of Freedom

    On September 25, 2022, Sheepgate/Adult & Teen Challenge will celebrate five years of transforming women’s lives in Beatrice. Of the women who have completed our program, greater than 75% of them continue to live in freedom from addiction. But freedom from addiction is not our end goal. Our vision at Sheepgate/Adult & Teen Challenge is for each student to become a healthy, productive member of our community. We are succeeding in this goal. Our former students work at Landmark, Precise Fabrication, Arby’s, Walmart, Beatrice Family Chiropractic, Tractor Supply, Mosaic, and more. In addition, many of them continue to volunteer in the community serving those in need. We are seeing women set free who then make a difference in our communities.

    The Need

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, overdose deaths, alcohol-related deaths, and suicides have increased dramatically. Last year alone, overdose deaths increased by more than 15%. Fentanyl overdose is now the leading cause of death in America for 18-to-45-year-olds. Gage County is not exempt, we need only look to our local newspapers to see the number of crimes perpetrated on our communities due to drug and alcohol abuse. We absolutely must address this epidemic of addiction. The average cost of “treatment” in Nebraska is between $5,000 and $25,000 per month. This becomes nearly cost prohibitive to most people who want help. As a matter of fact, the number one reason people don’t get help is that they can’t afford it. That’s why Sheepgate makes freedom from addiction available at no cost. We are saving lives, restoring families, and changing the landscape of our community—one woman at a time.

    The Reason

    As a faith-based organization, we don't receive monetary assistance from the government, are unable to take medical insurance, and rely solely on the consistent contributions from individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations who have seen the truth of this radical transformation. We invite you to partner with us and invest in freedom for others. Your gift gives women the opportunity to step out of addiction and step into a loving community where they can heal and learn to live life with purpose. You are not giving only to an individual or a facility—you are giving to families and our community.

  • Impacting our Community

    Project Details

    The Campaign – Impacting our Community


         Our vision is for each student to become a healthy and productive member of our community.  Ashley, Sage, and Shantell are just a few of our completed students living out that vision today. 

         Three years ago, Ashley was addicted to heroin and her life was spiraling out of control; Shantell was drinking every day and had left her husband and her children; Sage was homeless and hopelessly addicted to meth. 

         Since entering the doors of Teen Challenge and completing our program, Ashley, Sage, and Shantell are a picture of how God not only transforms lives through this program, but also impacts entire communities by turning broken women into capable mothers, excellent employees, and productive members of our community.  Today, Ashley has been with Landmark Snacks for over 2 years and was recently promoted to Lead Roll Stock Operator; Sage is a Shift Manager at Arby’s and is a positive role model for other young people; Shantell’s marriage has been restored and she is competently leading her children to a better life.  None of this is possible without your help.


    The Need


         The average monthly cost of “treatment” in Nebraska is between $5,000 and $25,000.  With greater success rates, our program costs are substantially lower at approximately $1,500 per month; however, most students come to Teen Challenge after losing their families, homes, jobs, and possessions due to their addiction. Very often they don't have the money to cover their own basic needs, much less the expense of getting the help they so desperately need.


    The Reason


         As a faith-based organization, we don't receive monetary assistance from the government, are unable to take medical insurance, and rely solely on the consistent contributions from board members, businesses, churches, and other individuals and organizations who have seen the truth of this radical transformation.

         We invite you to partner with us—not only as a donor during Big Give Gage but also as a part of our community. We welcome you to come and grow in relationship with us and our students.  Relationship that enriches each individual life. The beautiful thing about Teen Challenge is it isn’t just the women who receive transformation--it has the propensity to impact an entire community.



    Project Details

    Shantell and Theodore both grew up in what you would consider a normal American family.  Both had two parent homes, both grew up in small town America.  However, both struggled with deep wounds that would lead them to abuse drugs and alcohol.  As a result, their lives spiraled out of control which left their home and children in crisis. Their story of RESTORATION is highlighted in our video below.

    Today more than 23 Million Americans admit to having a substance abuse disorder, and those are just the ones who admit it.  If 23 Million Americans admit to having a substance abuse disorder, how many American children live in homes where one or both parents abuse drugs and alcohol? The estimated number is 1 in 7 children in America.  

    This year our world was rocked by the COVID pandemic.  Americans from every walk of life want to come together to be part of the solution—as we should.  We have spared no expense to develop a vaccine and a cure—again, as we should!  But what about the epidemic of substance abuse?  What about the more than 170,000 Americans that die every year from drugs and alcohol?  What about the children left behind?   What can be done for this EPIDEMIC? YOU can help!

    For over 60 years, our alcohol and substance abuse addiction recovery program has provided long-term recovery for tens of thousands of individuals. We are an answer to this epidemic.  Shantell’s story is just one of the many success stories of women who have come through our Beatrice Women’s Center.  When YOU partner with us, YOU help to change lives. 

    We are committed to providing low cost programs, but there are many costs involved in providing training, lodging, meals, and staff. With the cancellation of our annual fundraising dinner and an inability to fundraise in our typical face to face manner, we are facing a shortfall. 

    By partnering with us, YOU can help save the lives of not just our women but their children as well, and be part of RESTORING GENERATIONS!


  • 3 Student Scholarships

    Project Details

    The average cost for each student to participate in our program is approximately $1500 per month. This includes housing, food, utilities, staff, insurance and curriculum. In order to provide our program at no cost to those who need it most, we rely on the donations of individuals, businesses, churches and foundations. Providing a student scholarship allows us to provide the training and resources to equip one person to walk in freedom for the rest of their lives. Please consider providing HOPE and changing the face of our community one healthy mom at a time.

$0 Raised of $1,000 goal
$0 $1,000
0 Donors
Legal Name: Teen Challenge of the Midlands, Inc.

25478 S 23rd Road
Beatrice, NE 68310

(402) 250-2628

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